Oratorical Festival

2022 Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics

Junior Division (Grades 7–9)

  1. Share what you learned about yourself after a “technology fast” of at least 21 days. What can we learn about our relationship to God and the world by fasting?
  2. In our personal prayer and liturgy, we usually make requests of God. Discuss why we make these petitions and how God fulfills them.
  3. Choose a saint whose life has been important to you or your family. Discuss what you find most inspiring about this saint and what others can learn from how they lived their life.
  4. Discuss how you would share your Orthodox Christian faith with a visitor to your parish.
  5. Discuss your favorite Church service of the year and why it is meaningful to you.


Senior Division (Grades 10–12)

  1. Discuss the significance of Orthodox iconography (historically, symbolically and/or artistically) and how icons enhance our worship.
  2. From the earliest days, Christian worship has been community-based, not only solitary, and Christians formed communities where the members learned from and took care of one another. Why is it important to be part of a Church community, and how is this relevant today?
  3. The Orthodox faithful pray to the saints for physical healing and we have examples of saints like Cosmas and Damian who were doctors. What does this teach us about the Orthodox perspective on faith, health, and medicine?
  4. Discuss ways that a young person can respond to God’s call to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and one’s neighbor as oneself (see Luke 10:27).
  5. In every Church service, we pray for “peace in the world,” usually many times. Yet, war and violence persist. What is the Orthodox Christian approach to war and violence?


2022 Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Saint Barbara Parish is holding its annual parish oratorical festival in the church Community Center on Sunday March 13, 2022 after the Divine Liturgy. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE.

Elementary Division - open to Sunday School students in Grade 6 and lower.

The Elementary Division is a non-competitive parish program. There is no judging. The topics are not prescribed, but may include any topic related to the Orthodox Christian faith such as Jesus, prayer, the Saints, Icons, the Bible, etc. Group presentations are permitted! Presentations should last 30-90 seconds, although there is no strict timing. All Elementary Division participants will receive a certificate and a gift.


Junior Division - open to Grade 7-9 students of the Saint Barbara Sunday school.

Senior Division - open to Grade 10-12 students of the Saint Barbara Sunday school.

Public Speaking Contest - Junior Division students will write and deliver a three to four minute speech on one of the Junior Division topics. Senior Division students will write and deliver a four to five minute speech on one of the Senior Division topics. Cash prizes ($50 First Prize, $25 Second Prize, $10 Third Prize) will be offered for the top three speeches in each division. Division finalists will advance to the District Festival on Saturday April 9, 2022.

Essay Contest - Junior Division students will write and submit a 300-400 word essay on one of the Junior Division topics. Senior Division students will write and submit a 500-600 word essay on one of the Senior Division topics. Cash prizes ($50 First Prize, $25 Second Prize, $10 Third Prize) will be offered for the top three essays in each division. This is a parish-only competition.

Poetry Contest - Junior and Senior Division students will write and submit a poem in any form (sonnet, open verse, etc.) of between eight and thirty lines on one of the topics in their division. Cash prizes ($50 First Prize, $25 Second Prize, $10 Third Prize) will be offered for the top three poems in each division. This is a parish-only competition.

All participants must register by March 6, 2022 in order to participate. Essays and Poems are due by midnight March 6, 2022 in order to qualify for consideration. They may be hand-delivered or emailed to Festival Co-chairman Steven Yates (syates59@hotmail.com) These are firm deadlines.

Important!!!! Students may participate in only one category of the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival: Public Speaking, Essay or Poetry.


Please visit http://www.goarch.org/oratorical for topics, speaker tips, and to view the official festival rules.

If you have any questions about participation or to register please contact Steven Yates at syates59@hotmail.com or 860-304-6007.

Upcoming Events: 

Registration Forms 

Sunday School

Greek Language School

Adult Greek Language School



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