The CrossRoads Program at Hellenic College/Holy Cross is an engaging 10-day program for Orthodox Christian high school juniors and seniors of all jurisdictions, that takes place every summer on the campus of Hellenic College/Holy Cross in Brookline, Massachusetts.

For ten days participants experience a full liturgical life, praying together at Matins/Orthros at the school’s chapel and at Vespers at different Orthodox churches in the Boston area.

The students study their faith in an Orthodox academic setting as two seminary professors offer five days of mini-courses on various subjects. They participate in service projects at different outreach ministries in the Boston area, hang out together as a group and have fun and fellowship time with other Orthodox Christians teenagers from around the United States, forging friendships that will last a lifetime!

In all of this the CrossRoads program hopes to help its participants discern their life callings, matching their personal gifts with the needs of the world. The staff of CrossRoads believes that whatever direction you choose for your life, it can be of service to God and to your neighbor, which is Christ’s call to us all.

Has anyone from the Saint Barbara Parish participated? Yes. In fact we have had two CrossRoads participants from our community – Alexandra Alexiades (2009) and Andrianna Papadimitriou (2012). Both young ladies spoke about the wonderful time that they had at the program and of the friendships they forged with other participants. Each has shared how the lectures they attended helped to challenge them and nurture their growth in faith and commitment to the Church.

Who is Eligible?

CrossRoads has been designed to best meet the needs of Orthodox teens in their junior or senior year of high school who desire to deepen their faith in an Orthodox setting. For this reason, applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 18 years old and should not have graduated high school prior to April of the year they apply.

How do I Apply?

For more information and to fill out an application to participate in the CrossRoads Program please go to:

Upcoming Events: 

Registration Forms 

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Adult Greek Language School



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