Orthodox Approach to Missions

The principles used hundreds and thousands of years ago by the Apostles are still imitated today in the Orthodox Church (and other Christian denominations):

•  Indigenous leadership

•  Translation of material into the local language

•  Worship in the local language of the people

•  Incorporation of cultural elements into the life of the Church

•  Building of churches that witness to the glory of God

•  Vibrant Eucharistic community

•  Emphasis on the whole person by addressing the needs of society both through education and charitable institutions

Are You Called to be a Missionary?

Is Christ’s Last Command Your First Priority? ; The way to become a disciple is to help “make disciples.”  And by responding to God’s call to help change the world, you will forever be changed.  Serving Christ and His Church as an OCMC missionary is more than a job, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime in fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Who serves as missionaries?

God is the One who calls men and women, married and single, in every stage of life; from those taking a break between school, to families with young children or teenagers, to ‘empty nesters’ and retired couples, to serve as missionaries.  God calls people from all walks of life ranging from priests, monastics, seminarians and teachers to health care professionals, engineers.  IT professionals, salesman, laborers, administrators, youth leaders and beyond to commit to missionary service.  In other words, God can use your unique gifts, talents, and experience no matter what role or stage of life you are in, as you offer yourself to Christ and the service of His Holy Church.

All applicants for OCMC missionary service must also:

• Have a devoted spiritual life and a deep desire to witness for Christ.

•  Have been an active member of a canonical Orthodox Church for a minimum of three years.

•  Be a Canadian or American citizen.

•  Be able to work obediently as an OCMC missionary employee under the direction of the receiving hierarch in conjunction with OCMC      

    field leadership.

•  Be willing to live a simple and holy life within the culture and among the people they serve.

•  Be willing to learn a new language and culture, and learn from the people God calls them to serve.

Ever thought of serving as a missionary either for a season or even for a career?

While the standard length for long-term service is a two-year renewable term, OCMC is committed to equipping, sending and serving career-oriented missionaries.  Additionally, OCMC seeks to provide opportunities for missionary exploration through our team program (1-4 weeks) and those who we consider may be interested in a special mid-term assignment such as a 4-12 week accredited internship as needs in the field dictate.

What are the next steps in discerning your calling?

If you feel God is calling  you, speak with your parish priest and then contact the OCMC Missionary Department at 1-877-463-6784.  It is never too early to begin a dialog with us, whether you’re ready to go now or simply considering your options.  Don’t worry!  We won’t try to talk anyone into missionary service and we don’t try to talk people out of it.  We will walk with you through the process of discerning God’s good will and to see if doors of opportunity are open for service.  If they are, we will guide you through the process of application, appointment, developing a support team, orientation and training and then ongoing field supervision and pastoral support.  We are here to help you discern and fulfill your calling.



Upcoming Events: 

Registration Forms 

Sunday School

Greek Language School

Adult Greek Language School



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